




区块链和数字资产正在彻底改变银行业. 我们今天所处的位置没有回头路可走. 数字资产是金融体系的一部分,它们将继续存在. 和任何破坏者一样, cryptocurrency has its champions and detractors and brings on a steep 学习ing curve to the system. 田纳西银行家 spoke with a few of Tennessee’s leading innovators in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space to get their thoughts on where we are and where we’re going.*


克里斯·布莱克: 对我来说,这更像是十大正规网投信誉平台区块链的对话. Cryptocurrency is another currency that trades electronically and just exists in electronic form. 如果是比特币, 比特币的主要特征之一是可用的比特币数量有限. 所以不像你.S. 美元, 理论上哪一种可以无限印刷, 创建, 不管你怎么想, 从这个意义上讲,比特币没有. But there’s no difference from an economic transactional standpoint; we can electronically trade 美元. We can convert 美元 to euros or to Japanese yen or whatever tradable currency there is in the world. 你也可以用加密货币做同样的事情. 但它是有限的,是有限的, 哪个是一个显著的特征, 这就是为什么很多人被它吸引的原因吗.

韦德Peery: It is just a digital version of a currency, and the most dominant one in the news is bitcoin. 当然,它存在的时间最长,也是一切的真正起源. 因此,它的功能与任何货币没有什么不同. 它储存价值,也传递价值, 人们相信它有价值, although it doesn’t have any backing of precious metal or governments or anything like that. 它只是金钱的数字表示.

Brian海因里希斯: 对不同的人来说,这意味着很多事情. 在世界的某些地方, 人们用它来购买商品和服务, 所以从这个意义上讲,它是一种货币. In other cases, people are using it and see it as somewhat of a store of value akin to gold. 在其他情况下,我认为人们将其视为一种投机交易工具.


克里斯·布莱克: 我们坚信,银行业的基础是, 永远都是, 存款, 贷款, 资本, 流动资金和支付. 在那之后,我们会挑战我们所能挑战的每一种模式. 去年超过50%的存款账户不是在银行开的, 所以我们意识到了这一点, 消费者不仅在寻求不同的银行服务交付方式, 但他们也高度关注交付的体验. Amazon and many other technology disrupters have set the bar high for consumer expectations. If banks want to remain competitive and relevant, they are going to have to do the same thing. We’re actually changing our name to Thread Bank to better represent how our bank is threading the needle with banking and tech, 银行和长期规划, 在客户的日常生活中使用银行服务.

韦德Peery: 区块链技术将彻底改变金融服务, and it will be on par with the disruption caused by the internet and the smartphone but in a good way, because it will allow us to kick innovation into gear in a way that we haven’t done it in a long time. 我们是成立了一个名为USDF联盟的组织的五家银行之一. USDF代表美国.S. 美元向前. And what that contemplates is a digital token that we can issue on a one-to-one ratio to an existing dollar. So, 我们已经设计出了解决方案, 那就是在区块链上创建一个数字令牌. We are working closely with the regulators to ensure we have their approval before we move this into a mainstream offering.

Brian海因里希斯: 客户可以直接从第四资本的银行账户中买卖比特币. Our approach has been that we’re not really taking a view on bitcoin and/or crypto more generally. What we’re doing is acting on our belief that it’s our job to make it as easy as possible for our clients to use their money however they want. 我们所有的东西都是带有人性化的数字工具. 所以, 技术进步的理念, 让我们的客户更容易使用他们的钱, 这就是我们的初衷.

汉克词: 我们的开放银行部门为全国数百家金融科技公司提供支持. 目前,我们的金融科技生态系统中有大约800万用户. Many of the partners that we work with in our fintech ecosystem are performing crypto-related services in some way, 形状或形式. So, we support many of those by being the fiat “on” ramp and “off” ramp for a lot of those partners.


克里斯·布莱克: 有许多挑战可能会说服银行保持观望, 但这样做也意味着巨大的风险. 我们的观点是,探索是很重要的, 研究, 学习, find trusted partners and put one foot in front of the other to get into the blockchain environment. 否则, the competitive disadvantages are significant for those banks that chose to look the other way and ignore this opportunity. This is a similar moment of the horse and buggy giving way to the combustion engine; the teller window to the ATM. 对我们来说, 我们很幸运有几位参与区块链的投资者, 他们还帮助建立了一个银行技术基金,这将在未来帮助我们, 还有我们网络里的其他人.

Brian海因里希斯: 我想很多人都在想, “如果银行开始在自己的资产负债表上持有加密货币, 那看起来像什么,“如果你开始用加密货币作为抵押品来扩展信贷,以及诸如此类的东西. This is a space where some guidance and definition are going to have to come into play at some point.

汉克词: 我认为监管(或缺乏监管). The landscape of regulations and how people respond to them are going to be the biggest challenge. It is important to be as nimble with your adoption of regulatory change as you are with the changes in the cryptocurrency市场.


克里斯·布莱克: 我们做的第一件事就是扩大规模,为银行引进各种各样的技能组合. 我认为, 给所有员工, 这只是基于透明度, 团队合作, 所有经过验证的东西. 它不一定是高科技的解决方案. 沟通和领导力当然不是新事物,但它们永远不会过时. And the thing that we’ve worked hard on is that transparency part of communicating to people and make sure everyone is as informed as they possibly could be.

韦德Peery: 它从区块链101开始,我告诉大家去看看比特币白皮书. 在前两段,你会明白接下来的一切. 这是最好的开始. So, 我们必须学习技术, 不仅仅是它的功能, 但深入到它是如何工作的细节. 在一天结束的时候, it’s just technology; but it’s revolutionary in what it will do for us in the long run.

汉克词: We’ve done a lot of education within our Open Banking division because of our customers that offer crypto services. Part of that education is aggregating and refining a lot of the information that’s out there regarding digital assets and strategically sharing with our team. We also encourage employees to experience how exchanges work for themselves and how to buy and sell currencies on their own time.


韦德Peery: 我认为它将与其他货币并存. I don’t think they replace currencies such as the dollar, and here’s why: They’re volatile in price.

Brian海因里希斯: 在世界上的某些地方,人们已经在使用它了. So, 货币自治的整个概念, 或者去中心化金融, there’s a lot of big conversations happening around where all this could go and what the future of the global economic system looks like.

汉克词: I don’t think America’s initial use will be something as volatile as bitcoin as it can have huge intraday swings. 我认为美国最有可能的方向是.S. 央行的数字货币像稳定币吗. The United States Dollar Coin (“USDC”) is the crypto equivalent of a digital dollar and is backed on a 1:1 basis (one USDC equals one U.S. 美元). 所以,从很多方面来说,这是一种稳定的硬币.


克里斯·布莱克: 我认为是它的透明度、可追溯性和分散性. 它赋予了市场参与者、消费者和企业很大的权力. 这是一个强制的功能,在很多方面创造透明度和可追溯性.

韦德Peery: 现实情况是,你可以以更低的成本更快地进行加密交易. 以一种不变的方式,过去的就过去了. 处理事务不那么麻烦.

Brian海因里希斯: 我认为 we’re on a path that is going to evolve and ultimately play into the evolution of the payment space. We’re looking at things like giving our clients the option to take their monthly interest income from their deposit accounts and have that paid in bitcoin instead of 美元. 我们正在考虑用比特币而不是美元来提供奖励. So, there’s a lot of different things or possibilities that clients may or may not take advantage of. 但我认为它会变得越来越普遍.

汉克词: 目前还没有那么多被广泛采用的实时支付方式, so I’d say the instant nature of the exchange between two parties is the biggest advantage. 我认为支付将继续朝着这个方向发展, 而即时交换加密货币的能力是关键.


克里斯·布莱克: 我在军队服役了9年多, 个人自由和自由, 像大多数美国人一样, 是非常私人的, 重要的事情. 就像这些工具可以很容易地被用来做好事一样,它们也可以被用来做坏事. 我说的不只是罪犯的想法. 这些东西总是有可能被用于政治手段. 这是一个真正的风险.

韦德Peery: 我认为波动性是其中之一, 大多数人没有意识到托管钱包提供商带来的风险. 随便挑一个,随便挑一个. 这些人只是持有私钥. 如果他们失败了怎么办? 好吧, 该业务失败或被破坏, 我不能打电话给我的银行说, “我把银行账号弄丢了. 你能帮我查一下吗?“那些钥匙永远消失了.

Brian海因里希斯: 与任何新资产类别一样,波动性肯定更高. 此外,我认为存在相当数量的监管不确定性,不仅仅是在美国.S.美国,还有全球的央行. 他们必须弄清楚这将如何影响全球金融体系?’

汉克词: You have to be fairly sophisticated in order to participate in cryptocurrency as it exists right now. 但随着进入门槛的降低, 这并没有消除目前系统中的固有风险. 重要的是要做研究,了解加密货币的细微差别.


克里斯·布莱克: 是的.

韦德Peery: 毫无疑问.

Brian海因里希斯: 是的.

汉克词: 是的.


被评为美国最适合工作的90家银行之一, 我们每天都在努力工作,以确保员工的敬业精神, 玩得开心,享受他们正在做的事情. American Banker bases their rankings on extensive workplace surveys and reviews of employer benefits and policies.


欲了解更多十大正规网投信誉平台美国银行家的信息,请访问 www.americanbanker.com.

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